When Experiencing Unnecessary Chaos, Here Are Four Things That You Can Do

Life is meant to have its ebbs and flows, so at times there will be moments of disarray, but this disarray facilitates conflict resolution, organized processes and upward change. However, what about if you’re dealing with unnecessary chaos at work or in your relationships?

Unnecessary Choas

Okay, now hold on because I know you are wondering why I said “unnecessary chaos”. I don’t know about you, but there are times when it seems that it’s one thing after another on a consistent basis. You start to feel like it isn’t your patience being tested; it’s your sanity that is being called into question.

Based on your belief system, there are different solutions. If a person is heavily religious, then they may say that it is because you are not walking righteously on a consistent basis with a needed break for fasting and prayer. If they are spiritual, they may mention spiritual hygiene and energetic cords. If they lead more with a psychological belief system, then they may say it is time to enforce boundaries and/or address your emotions. If you haven’t noticed, they all have a goal of centering yourself. Unfortunately, sometimes it has nothing to do with a belief system, but more to do with societal systems and constructs. Whatever the solution, all of these involve you focusing on what is that you can control in the situation: you.

Get In A Good Workout

Do not underestimate the power of a good workout! Aside from the obvious health benefits, like weight management, consistent exercise improves your mood, skin health and chronic pain. The overall goal is to increase endorphins, serotonin and dopamine.

Manage Your Response

The best thing to do in most chaotic situations is to be aware of your response. Often times, people are seeking to bait you onto their court. If you need to take a beat to assess the situation, do so, but a response that is delivered with emotional intelligence would always be better. Now, I am not saying for you to invalidate your own feelings when having a genuine reaction to passive disrespect, but to be aware.

Self-Care Is A Must

Self-care is different for everyone. It could be something as simple as a walk, eating an healthier option for the day, time for meditation, eating a sweet treat as a reward for those healthier options, or even taking a moment to confide in a friend who can help navigate a tough situation. Whatever you choose, the goal is for you to pour back into yourself.

Reclaim Your Time

As a woman, especially a black woman, reclaim your time. Let’s be real, this will look different for everyone. I know that’s so vague, but it is true. It can look like you saying, “no” more often, waking up at a different time than normal, pairing priorities and even creating streamlined processes.

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